Martha Cook Alumnae Association

Women in arched doorway

About the Martha Cook Alumnae Association

In June 1918, alumnae who were visiting Martha Cook at commencement met and organized the original Martha Cook Alumnae Association (MCAA).

In 1927, the Martha Cook Alumnae Association was reestablished. Formerly known as the “Martha Cook Alumnae Association of Detroit,” the present MCAA serves as the “mother” chapter of the organization. The MCAA is managed by a Board of Directors, which consists of a group of alumnae volunteers who are actively involved in serving the Martha Cook Building while maintaining contact among the alumnae members.

Various Board activities include assisting in scholarship awards such as the Anne E. Shipman Stevens Scholarship for current residents, sponsoring alumnae gatherings, and making various donations of monies and materials to the Martha Cook Building and its residents. The Association also publishes a print newsletter twice a year.

The MCAA has a worldwide membership exceeding 4,000 women.

Join the MCAA List

We know that all Cookies are not on our list. We ask for your help in reaching alumnae and friends by encouraging Cookies in your circle to share their email address.

Email addresses and other updates may be sent to [email protected]

Martha Cook Alumnae Association Constitution

We, the alumnae of Martha Cook Building of Ann Arbor, Michigan, now residents of the world, in order to deepen the bonds of our college friendships; to preserve our collegiate memories and reaffirm our loyalty to the University of Michigan; and to constitute a union which may be of practical support and benefit to the administrative board and present residents of the Martha Cook Building, do establish this constitution for the Martha Cook Alumnae Association.

Martha Cook Alumnae Association Constitution
(revised June 26, 2022)

MCAA Meetings

Monthly membership meetings are scheduled for 1 PM and held on Zoom. Meetings usually occur on the second Sunday of the month.

           Upcoming Schedule
           Sunday, May 18, 2025 - Election committee
           Saturday, June 14, 2025 - Luncheon

Interested in joining the MCAA Board or an upcoming meeting? For more information or to receive the Zoom link, contact MCAA at [email protected].

MCAA Membership and Voluntary Dues

The Martha Cook Alumnae Association, was formally organized in 1918. The group’s traditional focus has been supporting current residents by raising money for scholarships, providing needed gifts to the Building and strengthening relationships long after leaving U-M. Special events both at Martha Cook and off -campus, have been held with the help for MCAA for over a century. The Association plays a vital role in keeping our friendship circle strong.

All Martha Cook alumnae become members of the MCAA upon graduation.  Your voluntary dues support the activities including the Outstanding Resident Award, Holiday luncheon, Spring Tea, and operating expenses. 

If you would like to support the MCAA with your voluntary dues, please make checks payable to "Martha Cook Alumnae Association" and mail to:
           MCAA Treasurer
           P.O. Box 4226
           Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Please note:  this donation is not tax-deductible